HS Codes | Chapter 09
Available in English only
0901: Coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated; coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes containing coffee in any proportion:
- Coffee, not roasted:
0901.11.00 - Not decaffeinated
- Arabica:
0901.11.00.15 - Certified Organic
0901.11.00.25 - Other
- Other:
0901.11.00.45 - Certified Organic
0901.11.00.55 - Other
0901.12.00 - Decaffeinated
0901.12.00.15 - Certified Organic
0901.12.00.25 - Other
- Coffee, roasted:
0901.21.00 - Not decaffeinated
- In retail containers weighing 2 kg or less:
0901.21.00.35 - Certified Organic
0901.21.00.45 - Other
- Other:
0901.21.00.55 - Certified Organic
0901.21.00.65 - Other
0901.22.00 - Decaffeinated
- In retail containers weighing 2 kg or less:
0901.22.00.35 - Certified Organic
0901.22.00.45 - Other
0901.22.00.60 - Other
0901.90 - Other:
0901.90.10.00 - Coffee husks and skins
0901.90.20.00 - Coffee substitutes containing coffee
0902: Tea, whether or not flavored:
0902.10 - Green tea (not fermented) in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg:
0902.10.10 - Flavored
0902.10.10.15 - Certified Organic
0902.10.10.50 - Other
0902.10.90 - Other
0902.10.90.15 - Certified Organic
0902.10.90.50 - Other
0902.20 - Other green tea (not fermented):
0902.20.10.00 - Flavored
0902.20.90 - Other
0902.20.90.15 - Certified Organic
0902.20.90.50 - Other
0902.30.00 - Black tea (fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg
- In tea bags:
0902.30.00.15 - Certified Organic
0902.30.00.50 - Other
0902.30.00.90 - Other
0902.40.00.00 - Other black tea (fermented) and other partly fermented tea
0903.00.00.00: Maté
0904: Pepper of the genus <i>Piper</i>; dried or crushed or ground fruits of the genus <i>Capsicum</i> (peppers) or of the genus <i>Pimenta</i> (e.g., allspice): <i></i><i> </i>
- Pepper of the genus <i>Piper</i>:
0904.11.00 - Neither crushed nor ground
0904.11.00.20 - Black
0904.11.00.40 - White
0904.12.00.00 - Crushed or ground
- Fruits of the genus <i>Capsicum</i> or of the genus <i>Pimenta</i>:
0904.21 - Dried, neither crushed nor ground:
- <span style="line-height: normal;">Of the genus </span><i style="line-height: normal;">Capsicum</i><span style="line-height: normal;"> (including cayenne pepper, paprika and red pepper):</span>
0904.21.20.00 - Paprika
0904.21.40.00 - Anaheim and ancho pepper
0904.21.60 - Other
0904.21.60.10 - Bell peppers
0904.21.60.20 - Jalapeno peppers
0904.21.60.90 - Other
0904.21.80.00 - Of the genus <i>Pimenta</i> (including allspice)
0904.22 - Crushed or ground:
- Of the genus Capsicum (including cayenne Pepper, paprika and red pepper):
0904.22.20.00 - Paprika
0904.22.40.00 - Anaheim and ancho pepper
0904.22.73.00 - Mixtures of mashed or macerated hot red peppers and salt
0904.22.76.00 - Other
0904.22.80.00 - Of the genus <i>Pimenta</i> (including allspice)
0905: Vanilla:
0905.10.00.00 - Neither crushed nor ground
0905.20.00.00 - Crushed or ground
0906: Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers:
- Neither crushed nor ground:
0906.11.00.00 - Cinnamon (<i>Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume</i>)
0906.19.00.00 - Other
0906.20.00.00 - Crushed or ground
0907: Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems):
0907.10.00.00 - Neither crushed nor ground
0907.20.00.00 - Crushed or ground
0908: Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms:
- Nutmeg:
0908.11.00.00 - Neither crushed nor ground
0908.12.00.00 - Crushed or ground
- Mace:
0908.21.00.00 - Neither crushed nor ground
0908.22 - Crushed or ground:
0908.22.20.00 - Bombay or wild mace, ground
0908.22.40.00 - Other
- Cardamoms:
0908.31.00.00 - Neither crushed nor ground
0908.32.00.00 - Crushed or ground
0909: Seeds of anise, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin or caraway; juniper berries:
- Seeds of coriander:
0909.21.00.00 - Neither crushed nor ground
0909.22.00.00 - Crushed or ground
- Seeds of cumin:
0909.31.00.00 - Neither crushed nor ground
0909.32.00.00 - Crushed or ground
- Seeds of anise, badian, caraway or fennel; juniper berries:
0909.61.00.00 - Neither crushed nor ground
0909.62.00.00 - Crushed or ground
0910: Ginger, saffron, turmeric (curcuma), thyme, bay leaves, curry and other spices:
- Ginger:
0910.11.00 - Neither crushed nor ground
0910.11.00.10 - Certified organic
0910.11.00.15 - Other
0910.12.00.00 - Crushed or ground
0910.20.00.00 - Saffron
0910.30.00.00 - Turmeric (curcuma)
- Other spices:
0910.91.00.00 - Mixtures referred to in note 1(b) to this chapter
0910.99 - Other:
- Thyme; bay leaves:
0910.99.05.00 - Crude or not manufactured
- Other:
0910.99.06.00 - Thyme
0910.99.07.00 - Bay leaves
0910.99.10.00 - Curry
- Origanum (<i>Lippia spp.</i>):
0910.99.20.00 - Crude or not manufactured
0910.99.40.00 - Other
- Other:
0910.99.50.00 - Dill
0910.99.60.00 - Other
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